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Globally Activating People
at Speed and Scale

Cognician has won numerous accolades across the globe for our activation programs focusing on change management, software adoption, onboarding, leadership, connectedness, collaboration, innovation, and more.

Now, we're proud to introduce our Activation Workshops which showcase our methodology and tools and will fundamentally shift how you think about activating transformational change.

By attending one, you'll receive our Activation Tactics card deck, which highlights our eight activation catalysts and 48 activation tactics. You'll also hear about our forthcoming book, Activation. Reach out today to learn more.


Who are Activation Workshops for?

If you're a change management practitioner, a CLO, a Director of Learning, or a learning experience designer, you'll find our Activation Workshops extremely valuable.

We've also created customized Activation Workshops for clients who want to apply our activation framework to specific challenges such as digital adoption, new business process adoption, connectedness of remote teams, and other change and learning challenges.


What are attendees saying?

"I thought it was a great overview and material that could be very useful to clients going through change, which is most of them!" – John

"Everyone has remarked since how much they enjoyed the session and how helpful it was in terms of thinking through solutions for clients."– Moira

"Phenomenal Cognician workshop to help train on a call to action strategy. I will definitely incorporate this into my playbook for stakeholder management strategies and creating favorable client experience outcomes." – Eddie


What can I expect?

Before your Activation Workshop, you'll receive an invitation to our preparatory activation experience. This will include pre-workshop reading material, a short survey, and a digital version of our
Activation Tactics cards.

Activation Workshops run for 2–3 hours. You'll learn about our tried-and-tested activation methodology and will receive an individualized activation plan that's focused on your audience, activation problems, objectives, and results.

You can join one of our upcoming workshops in your city, or we can work together to arrange a customized workshop for your team.

Eight Activation Catalysts

Our activation framework includes eight Activation Catalysts that spark lasting behavior change.



People are more likely to get behind a change they find meaningful.



The odds of changing behavior go up when you give people a Goldilocks level of guidance: not too much; and not too little.



People are intrinsically motivated when invited to contribute to a change.



Far more than information, simple actions drive change.



Making a commitment helps to increase the probability of people changing behavior.



Enabling people to connect boosts the chances of change.



Change is more likely when people reflect on their actions.



You can turbo-charge change at scale when people share their insights about the change experience.

48 Activation Tactics

Our Activation Tactics cards provide tried-and-trusted strategies to activate your people at speed and scale.

cards 8-up wide

Let us know if you'd like us to host an Activation Workshop in your city.

45-clock-time-outline (1) Next Workshops
July 9th
July 11th
July 18th
San Francisco
New York
TBD Seattle
Previous Workshops
Dec 15, 2023 New York
Dec 22, 2023 San Diego
Nov 15, 2023 Atlanta
May 31, 2023 San Francisco
May 17, 2023 Los Angeles
May 12, 2023 Los Angeles
May 11, 2023 Irvine
May 4, 2023 Chicago
May 2, 2023 New York
May 1, 2023 New York
April 3, 2023 London
Feb 9, 2023 Singapore
Feb 8, 2023 Singapore
Feb 7, 2023 Singapore
Feb 3, 2023 Melbourne
Jan 26, 2023 Chicago
Jan 24, 2023 Boston
Jan 23, 2023 New York
Jan 18, 2023 Melbourne
Jan 13, 2023 Houston
Jan 11, 2023 Houston
Jan 10, 2023 Dallas
Dec 21, 2022 Singapore
Dec 21, 2022 San Francisco
Nov 15, 2022 London
Nov 1, 2022 Amsterdam
Oct 21, 2022 Chicago
Oct 27, 2022 London
Oct 20, 2022 Chicago
Oct 18, 2022 Boston
Oct 17, 2022 Boston
Sep 30, 2022 New York
Sep 29, 2022 New York
Sep 28, 2022 New York